Generally, I get bewildered when it comes to health and nutrition. I have seen even the specialists also make opposing opinions about this. SO it makes us difficult to take decisions on enhancing our health.

In spite of all those controversies, a huge number of health tips are supported by research.

I have brought 5 health and nutrition tips proved by scientific evidence.

Limitation of sugary drinks

Sugary drinks such as Soda, fruit juice, and sweet iced tea are the main sources of sugar added to the American diet.

I am sad to say that several types of research have shown that sugar-sweetened foods increase the risk of heart diseases and type 2 diabetes. Same for the people who don’t do any exercise. Sugar mixed foods are harmful to even small children. It will be a base not only for obesity in children they will not appear until adulthood. Some examples are Type 2 diabetes, Blood pressure, and liver diseases.

The healthier replacements are :

  • Water
  • Unsweetened tea
  • Coffee

Have nuts and seeds

Most people don’t eat nuts because they are meant to be high in fat. But do you know that nuts and seeds are astonishingly nutritious? They are full of protein, fiber, and different types of vitamins and minerals.

You can lose weight by eating nuts and make lower the risk of getting type 2 diabetes and heart problems.

Furthermore, large experiential research has revealed that the lack of taking nuts and seeds will take you to heart disease death. Strokes or type 2 diabetes.

Avoid junk food

Junk foods contain ingredients that are modified from the original condition. The additives such as sugar, oil, salt, flavorings, sweeteners, and color are not good for the health.

I know that junk foods are pleasant tasting which means they are easily overeaten. These junk foods can be a course for obesity, type 2 diabetes, heart disease, and other persistent conditions.

Drink coffee

In spite of arguments, It's better to have like 3-4 cups per day and it will be beneficial for you.  Anyhow pregnant women have to limit or avoid having them because it affects low birth weight. coffee is a very good drink and filled with health benefits. It's filled with flavonoids. A study has shown that coffee reduces the possibility of type 2 diabetes and many other illnesses such as Parkinson's.

It's good to have coffee and any item mixed with caffeine.  To continue your health in a good manner have less than 4 cups of coffee per day.

Eat oily fish

This is one of the best sources of protein and healthy fat. Fatty fish like salmon is filled with anti-inflammatory omega-3 fatty acids and many more nutrients.

It said that people who eat fatty fish have only a small risk of having heart disease and  inflammatory bowel disease